Next-Gen IT Infrastructure Protection
ENFORCER™ is the world’s first general-purpose NIST FIPS 140-2 Level 4 tamper-proof secure server. Initially designed for US military and homeland defense applications, ENFORCER servers are available for commercial applications where security is paramount.
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Losing sleep over infrastructure security?
Cyber-secure hardware is essential in today’s inter-connected world. The lack of protected processing raises significant challenges in protecting vulnerable infrastructures such as data centers, clouds, in-field oil/gas/SCADA assets, and smart grids.

Vulnerable Systems
Simply put, existing commercially available systems are not designed for security. They feature inherent fundamental paradigm flaws, security vulnerabilities, side channels, and are bloated with millions of lines of untrusted code and unnecessary firmware from hundreds of vendors in the supply chain.

No Confidentiality
Few existing systems are designed to allow proper implementation of confidentiality policies, and most often, administrators and (sometimes hundreds of) other insiders have full unfettered access to any and all aspects of the infrastructure including data and code.

Data & Code Integrity
The importance of integrity, and especially code integrity, cannot be underestimated as a core requirement of a secure infrastructure. It is difficult to achieve and is very often forgotten only to be rediscovered too late, often upon a serious breach resulting from malicious changes to system software.

Physical Access Compromises Security
Physical access to hardware by unauthorized or rogue individuals poses an significant security threat. The lack of strongly secure provable anti-tamper technology creates vulnerabilities at the enterprise and in uncontrolled environments such as cloud, data center, financial payment networks, and smart grids.
Protect your infrastructure with next-gen anti-tamper runtime protection technology.
Fortunately, new next-generation architectures built from the ground up with strong security assurances are emerging. Platforms using technology such as ENFORCER can be certified to the highest level of commercially attainable security (FIPS 140-2 Level 4) and enable tremendous disruption and progress.
ENFORCER Secure Servers
ENFORCER SRX1 is the world’s first general-purpose secure server certified to NIST FIPS 140-2 Level 4 standards. Initially designed for defense and intelligence applications and funded by the US government, ENFORCER servers are also available for commercial applications where security is paramount.
ENFORCER servers integrate multiple ENFORCER R1 secure tamper-proof blades. ENFORCER R1 is the world’s first tamper-proof high-performance compute engine and crypto HSM designed for the highest level of security, NIST FIPS 140-2 Level 4.

Solution Highlights

Secure Computation
ENFORCER provides secure computation environments wherein all processing is physically and logically protected. It is high density and high performance and can securely execute x86 operating systems and software.

Access Controlled
Unauthorized parties cannot access running computation and data or leak it to third parties, even with physical access and when compelled. This eliminates the significant risk of sensitive data and computation exposure in clouds, smart-grids, and edge infrastructures.

Remote Attestation
Using remote attestation, security guarantees can be remotely and dynamically verified while also attesting to the integrity of the hardware, firmware, and software stacks.
Military Grade Security
ENFORCER has been funded by the DoD, DHS and others, and is currently deployed in government data centers.

Tamper-Proof Hardware
Compact, yet powerful, ENFORCER tamper-proof modules support in-field edge deployments. In addition to anti-tamper defenses, zeroization or physically self-destruct can also be remotely triggered.

Powerful Capabilities
ENFORCER can dynamically and transparently integrate into or with data centers, and private, public, or hybrid cloud infrastructures. ENFORCER servers are high-performance, high-density, and price-competitive with commercially available enterprise hardware, while providing the strongest protections commercially available.

ENFORCER Protects: